We welcome our regular CL&S customers to the Consolidated Leisure & Sport 2024
AFL tipping competition.
We hope you have an enjoyable season.
Click on any of the links above to get started.
* Close off time for putting your Tips in, is now 10 minutes before each game starts.
* You can now use your smart phone to enter your tips directly.
* Reminder emails sent mid week with Mystery Tipper's assessment of each game.
* End of week email with results.
Some housekeeping:
Jackpot is only paid to the tipper that correctly tips 9 winners on their own.
No points awarded for a drawn game..
Jackpot is on Hold during split rounds 12, 13 and 14.
For Jackpot if more than 1 winner in last home and away game, then the prize is split.
In the Knockout competition, you cannot pick the same team for and against over a 4 week period.
If there is more than 1 winner at seasons end of the Main Tipping Competition, then points margin is used.
Good luck!